Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I feel like people sneak into my bedroom at night & steal my private thoughts & post them here. I love this site:

Sunday, October 14, 2007

MANroom with a touch of lace

Our new shed/ "MANroom". Established 10/13/07 by one skrawny little guy named Ben in about 4.5 hours. 10'x12'x11'tall (yeah we got the permitt unhun no problem..) a loft for storage & plenty of room for manly things...

note the height of our neighbor's shed. This is a small battle between Johny Law & our neighbor Chocolate Mike. Johny Law started with a little rubbermaid one about 8'x8' so Chocolate Mike went out & got a bigger stronger metal one, now we've got the bigger shed. Before long; it will be skyscraper sheds looking like the twin towers. It's a man-thing!!

... then came Sunday morning. How about a tea party in the "MANroom"? Gotta love little girls!!!

Ya see why God made them so cute? So their father's don't kill 'em.