Monday, September 25, 2006

Estranged Deaths

I kinda got stuck there thinking about my mom & chatting with family. I guess it's time for a new edition of Kate's World. Here goes:

Lately (this weekend) there have been a slue of horrific accidents & untimely deaths in the Tampa Bay area. A gal was thrown from her boat off of Anna Maria Island this weekend (not in a PFD) and her remains washed up this morning in someone's back yard. The report stated that there were 4 people on the boat when it 'struck' a channel marker. Ok, you would have had to have hit the thing full tilt like 40mph to actually throw a body off-board & it's not hard to see a 15' tall piling with a big red sign atop it!! What were they thinking? So 3 of the 4 mariners climbed back in the boat giving high fives chanting 'do it again!' & they realize there's one less than when they left the dock. hummmmm; maybe she swam for it. Let's go back to the dock & see if she beat us there? How do you explain that to someone's husband...

Speaking of husbands; in an unrelated story in the low rent district of Tierra Verde, another woman was found dead by a gunshot wound to the melon. Also found in the modest $1.8 MILLION Estate was the estranged husband & 38 caliber handgun. He had attempted suicide but it didn't take. Get this; the EMS rush him to the hospital. WHY???!!?? is my only question. He offed his wife, attempted to save us all the hassel of dealing with his imbalanced ass & what do we as a society him! If he makes it out of ICU & manages to be able to feed himself where will he end up? In a costly courtroom which you & I will pay for because you can't really earn money to pay for a lawyer when you're a vegetable. Then where will he go? To jail - an even costlier situation than the hospital. We'll pay to host him as an inmate at the grand hotel Prizon until the day comes that we nationally televise his execution. ummm... does this seem wrong to anyone but me? Oh & to top it all off, his estranged wife - Divorce Attorney Stacey Plummer probably has a big fat pile of money just sitting around to cover the cost of all this extrodinary mess but because she's DEAD, her bank accounts, investments & assets are divided up amoungst her cats. So who foots the bill for that final dose of 'Big Sleep Cocktail' (come on, you know) you & me.

Maybe estranged husband should have sent Attorney Plummer out on the boat ride to Anna Maria... Two birds, One Piling!!

That's what's new in Kate's world.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I note with some concern that the husband (killer) was a stay-at-home dad. He was an unemployed immigrant. He was also mean the family dog. She married him becuase she thought he would be a good father to her three adopted kids. The 1.8 million dollar home was provided for by the professional efforts of the 42 year old wife.

I think it takes a certain type of person to become a stay-at-home dad; our profession should not be undertaken out of greed or security but for love and a sincere willingness to contribute to the general family well being. I have found it the greatest challenge of my life (and I've had a few) but I have also found it the most personally satisfying as it has made a difference to those for home I care.

I think in the sad case in TV discussed above, the husband was a mean and violent person, who should never have been given the oppurtunity, or taken up our profession.

In any case, I am considering writing a guide book for thoses who do like me, with such chapters as:
"Effectively Judge Mothers by Appearance"

"Don't be my Friend because you hate your Husband"

"Play dates are for sissies"

"Mommy talks differently to Baby than Daddy"

"Dealing with Fathers who are outside your profession (amatuers)"

"Choosing who your child should play with"

"the finer points of potty training with a little girl in a public restroom"

and so on.

I gotta get back to work, theres clothes to be folded before some-one needs to be pciked up at school.

1:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shitty spelling and some wrong words...but you get the idea eh?

1:15 PM  
Blogger heather said... dates are for sissies..i liked that one....but judging me for wearing sweats on an off day, eh. having to take your little girl into the men's public restroom...that sucks.

2:12 PM  
Blogger heather said...

or maybe you don't...i kindof imagined things on my own there.

2:13 PM  
Blogger Yvette said...

So Brad did you ever work outside the home?
What does your wife do?
Raising kids 24/7 sucks the life outta ya, that why I work outside the home part time to relax and shoot the shit!!!
I'd hate if my daughter had to use the bathroom in the mens room.... thats just nasty! I hope you make her hover?????

3:48 PM  
Blogger Kate G said...

Brad you are a bad mother! & did I ever say that is why you & I are friends? (because at times I have to remind myself why I chose to marry my husband not once but twice.) You have nothing to do with that...

You & I have been friends this long because we are the only two people who can tolerate us & our abrasiveness!! Here's to you & me.

5:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, well, a couple of later evening comments...the poor woman who was murdered sounds like a saint (truly) A terrible loss with three re-orphaned kids.

Note to book publisher: add a chapter: The first one to shout "Your a Bad Mother" wins.

With regard to le inquiry de Yvette, Yes, I did have a career, which I have been out of for so long I barely remember what it was It did. But What I am sure of was that it was never worth a damn and never made a difference to anyone. I've lost tough with 99.99% of folks that I knew in the working world, most thing I have completely flipped my lid (doing the daycare daddie thingy)..

I have been looking for a part time gig with mothers hours only..a little challenging to hand in my resume and be taken seriously...but have had somewhat more success with a Kate-resume-rewrite....its true Kate is normally a real goof...but she can write a tale like non-other.

My current circle of friends are mainly eccletic(sp) mothers and a couple of other stay-at-home-dudes.

Also, to answer another query, the key to toilet training a little girl (most seriously) is to have her go pee-pee outside behind a bush! its the cleanest place really. If in a real jam, ie: no outside or trees, I used to ask a nearby old woman to take her in..they always are ready to help.

8:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who are you calling eclectic?

8:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here it is!!!

7:08 PM  
Blogger heather said...

sweeeeet! =D it's nice to see that one of the brothers is computer-literate!

7:25 PM  

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